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"With dropper" - A bit of humor

So... on a day with lots of crazy drama at the veterinary clinic, this man comes up to the desk of the vet office. He's asking me for something, but he's either not saying it right or I'm not understanding him past the heavy accent. He shows me his phone and it says sodium chloride. I pause and then say uncertainly, "That's salt". He says yes and says solution with "dopper". I am quite sure I looked at him blankly. I am trying to learn all the veterinary pharmacy items so I can get my "clerks" license and dispense medications, but I have no freaking idea what salt solution with dopper could be. What strange medication is that? He consults his phone and says "dropper, with dropper" and show me a picture of a bottle with a bulb dropper.
You would think this would clear the mystery up, but no, it doesn't. He wants saline solution that comes in bottle with a bulb and dropper? Am I missing something? So I wander to the back and ask about sodium chloride solution with a dropper. Sadly, I did not attempt the Russian sounding accent. The vet tech in the back says, "that's salt.". "What does he want with salt water.". I have no answer. She points out our bags of fluids that we use for subcutaneous fluids (think of an IV bag) are sodium chloride. Hmmm...
I wander back to the front, knowing the communication is going to become even more confusing. I tell him we have no sodium chloride solution with "dropper". He looks at me. I look at him. He says incredulously, "you have no salt water". Put that way, it does sound a bit ridiculous. I look at him, he looks at me. I have reservations about saying this, but I tell him we have IV fluid bags that are sodium chloride. I feel this is not going to go well. He says "yes". He looks at me. I look at him. I tell him for that you need a prescription. Again he is incredulous. "You need a prescription for salt water?"
I try a different approach. "You know, that's like saline solution. You can get that at the drug store." We look at each other some more. I tell him that that IV fluid comes with a tube and a needle and yes it needs a prescription. We circle around not conquering the language barrier. Finally, I should him a picture of IV hanging on the IV pole. He says "I just need the bag". I explain I can't just sell the bag, that you need a prescription because it's used as part of a medical procedure. He says he does not want procedure just sodium chloride solution.... at this point I have this urge to just forget about all the rules and just give him a bag. I mean... it's just salt water. We have clearly established that fact. Instead we stare at each other some more and then I say, "you know, you can get sodium chloride solution at the drug store." He is clearly not pleased with this answer, but I have nothing more to give him. After one last staring exchange he wandered off. I hear another client, who is waiting for the vet, giggle. When I look over at her, she is studiously avoiding eye contact with me.
After thinking, "dear drug store clerk, I'm sorry, but you are on your own". I then wandered to the back again and told the vet tech how he had wanted to buy a bag of fluids. She asked me what he wanted it for. I threw up my arms and said, "I have no idea!" I am not even sure the man had a pet.


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